Thursday, April 10, 2008

How much is that?

I know it can be hard to decide if you want to order something when the price isn't listed next to the item. This happens a lot in this vinyl business because most of our orders are custom made so we don't really have a price list. So, I thought I would list the prices on these items that I just had made for my kids. Remember that my photography is less than professional.

10x10 vinyl lettering $10.00* plus 12x12 tile = $13.00

6.5 x 24 in. = &10.50* (vinyl only)

12.5 x 12.5 in = $10.50* (this is meant to overlap, I'll post a picture when it is mounted.)
11.5 X 11 = $10.00*

We will also add vinyl to our sales. So if you already have some sort of machine and would just like to purchase vinyl, contact me at I'll try to post the colors that are available very soon. Occasionally prices are subject to change.


Stephanie said...

Those are really cute Amy! I really like the Davis Family tile...Christensen would look all smooshy probably, huh? Maybe it would look better on a longer board or something. Do you have something like that? I also like the All Boy tile and the surfer in training tile. Saydria would like the last tile I'm sure of it.

Amy D. said...

We can do just about anythig Stephanie! We could do a longer board no problem. I actually put those images( the all boy and the dragonfly) on a magnet board. Malachi's did go on a 24 in board. I'll post some pictures when I hang them.